Talking to Your Doctor

Talking with your doctor is an essential step toward getting appropriate treatment

While it may be stressful to have these discussions, it’s important to keep your doctor informed about your experience with NMOSD. At your next visit, be sure to talk about:

Your symptoms

It’s important that your doctor knows about any symptoms you may be experiencing so that they know the full truth about how your NMOSD is affecting you.

Your goals

Reducing your risk of symptom attacks is likely the number one goal for both you and your doctor. It’s important to talk about any other goals you may have so that you and your doctor can make decisions that are right for you.

Your options

Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about management strategies that you may have heard or read about; your doctor will advise you about whether certain management strategies align with your goals and the disease.

Some questions about NMOSD that you might want to ask your doctor may include:

  • Is reducing the risk of attacks a key goal in managing NMOSD?
  • How do we determine if my management plan is working?
  • What are some potential side effects of treatment?
  • How often should we meet to discuss my NMOSD management plan?

NMOSD, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.